Everyone who walks through the door of a real estate office has a major life change on the horizon. It may be immediate or down the road a couple of years, but change is coming.


It is my job as a facilitator and advisor to find and execute the best strategy for bringing my client’s goals to fruition.


Through my 23 years of real estate experience I have gathered the knowledge and tools to make this happen. I am responsive to the needs and goals of my clients.


My goal is that each client will feel successful and fully satisfied.


In today’s complex world of buying and selling homes, land  or investment property there can be moments of anxiety along the way. My job is to find and help execute a good solution that creates fairness and moves the transaction to a successful closing.


I have lived, played and worked in Idaho most of my life and appreciate what it has to offer. I believe in community and respect the wide variety people choose to live here.


With my experience and range of knowledge I am prepared to help you achieve your objective of moving on to the next phase of your life. 


"A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body."  


Benjamin Franklin


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